Home » » Port St. Lucie teacher Quotaysha Jones: Mariposa Elementary School accused of having sex with a minor

Port St. Lucie teacher Quotaysha Jones: Mariposa Elementary School accused of having sex with a minor

Written By bombomtox on December 21, 2013 | 2:55 PM

Is the man shortage that bad dozens of teachers across the country are turning to teens for sexual relationships?
WPTV reports a Port St. Lucie elementary school teacher went before a judge this morning, for an alleged sexual relationship with a teenager.

Quotaysha Jones was charged this morning for allegedly having an inappropriate relationship with a minor. She asked the judge to be released on her own recognizance so she could return to work. Jones is a fifth grade teacher at mariposa elementary school.

The judge said the evidence against Jones was "quite strong" and set her bond at $5,000. Jones was ordered to have no contact with the alleged victim.

Schools superintendent told our News Partner at the Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers that Jones will be removed from the classroom and a substitute will be hired. Jones will remain on the school's payroll until the school board takes action.

Deputies say jJnes talked dirty and had sex with a 17-year-old boy who is in juvenile detention.

Deputies watched surveillance videos of their visits, saying Jones "asked the teen if he'd like to see her booty." the police report also quotes the teen as saying they had sex "between four and six times."

At one point, he allegedly told her "to be ready when he gets out because nine months (after) she would have a baby."

When deputies interviewed Jones, they say she called their relationship platonic, in contrast to what they allegedly heard on tape.

NewsChannel 5 went to her home address, but only had a door closed on WPTV reporter.

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