Paul Edward Tate, 36, has been charged with having an improper relationship with a student and indecency with a child over a relationship he allegedly began in October with a 16-year-old female at the school.
According to Harris County records, Tate and the teen were seen at various eateries in Pasadena and Tate had showered her with presents, including jewelry, a purse, and clothing. A witness reported seeing the pair at an Olive Garden location earlier this month on what appeared to be a date. Tate and the student seemed open about the relationship, walking arm in arm into the restaurant, according to court documents.
Officials said Tate previously had been warned by an assistant principal at the school to stay away from the student after seeing them together in October at a McDonald's. Records state that the assistant principal saw Tate purchase a $200 Pandora bracelet for the student, though Tate said he was purchasing it for his mother.
During an interview with the student, court documents show, a Pasadena Independent School District Police Department officer noticed the student wearing a bracelet matching its description.
PISD police officials obtained the phone records of both Tate and the student and discovered that a number of text messages, photos and phone calls between the two, which indicated that there had been sexual contact and intercourse involved in their relationship. According to court documents, the student also sent Tate photos of herself in lingerie.
Pasadena Memorial High School and the Pasadena ISD Police Department weren't able to be reached for comment on Friday morning.
According to the Harris County District Attorney's Office on Friday, Tate has not been arrested and is scheduled to appear in court on Monday.