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S.E. Cupp Rips MSNBC’s Latest Misstep: They Have a Problem That Is ‘Spiraling Out of Control’

Written By bombomtox on February 1, 2014 | 11:51 AM

MSNBC as I have stated I the past posts is Fox News for black people.  However, instead of reporting and letting their viewers decide, their mission is to paint Republicans, Fox News, the Tea Party, Right wingers, and Republicans as racists. 
That’s all this cable station does and they’ll mislead, mischaracterize, edit tapes and outright lie to blacks to achieve their goal.
The Blaze repots MSNBC’s latest public apology shows the network has a problem that is “spiraling out of control,” TheBlaze’s S.E. Cupp said Thursday.

The network prompted outrage Wednesday after it sent a tweet claiming that “the rightwing” would supposedly “hate” a Cheerios commercial because it featured a biracial family. It eventually responded to online pushback by deleting the offending tweet and issuing a retraction.

Cupp is a former co-host of MSNBC’s “The Cycle,” a show on which race “came up a lot.”

“I always welcomed that idea where someone, some less thoughtful pundit, would introduce that idea that half the country is racist because they’re Republican, because I thought, ‘This is great. If liberalism exposes tolerance, I’m glad we are showing and exposing that lack of tolerance for what it is,” she said Thursday on TheBlaze TV’s “Real News.” “It’s all they can see.”

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