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San Antonio teacher Michelle Jain at Vale Middle School suspended for ordering students to chew used gum

Written By bombomtox on December 20, 2013 | 5:33 PM

Well, many may disagree with me but I don’t see what’s the big deal, only because I’m old school.  This is the type of punishment a Catholic Nun would give out when I went to school in the early 70s to make her point.  Society has gotten much softer since then.   
My San Antonio reports northside Independent School District officials won't decide until after the holiday break how to discipline a middle school teacher who forced two students to chew others' used gum when she caught them chewing their own.

Michelle Jain, a choir teacher at Vale Middle School, caught the pair chewing gum in her class Monday, made them put it in a jar and then select a piece previously chewed by someone else to chew in front of their peers, district spokesman Pascual Gonzalez said Friday.

Northside officials aren't sure how long Jain, 25, may have practiced the deterrent with others but say they took immediate action after the two students told their parents, who then informed administrators Tuesday morning.

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Call me a Neanderthal but punishment is not supposed to be a pleasant experience.  That’s why it’s called punishment.   

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