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Is Dynasty Going to Walk Like a Duck off A&E?

Written By bombomtox on December 20, 2013 | 4:48 PM

I don’t know how this is gonna turn out.  But, however it does it WILL be for the good of the Robertson family.  Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Duck Dynasty could very well be done.

Sources connected to the hit A&E show, and the Robertson clan, tell E! News that the family is "very serious" about leaving the reality series, after the network suspended patriarch Phil Robertsonfor his GQ interview, in which he grouped homosexuality in with bestiality as deviant behavior.

"They're an extremely tight-knit family and they're not going to let this get in the way," a source connected to the family explains. "[Phil] is the reason for their success—they're not going to abandon him. They're also not about to let anyone threaten their religious beliefs."
Says one insider who works on Duck Dynasty, "People who work on the show feel like it's a big pissing match and there is no way that anyone can win."

The current plan is to include Robertson in the upcoming fifth season, set to premiere Jan 15 on A&E. Season four had wrapped production before the controversy began. "Phil might be diminished but there's no way to cut him out altogether," says a source.
But can the family really walk away? Will a fifth season even happen?

The network owns the series and all of the intellectual property behind it, for at least one more season. But as one source points out, "The family could do appear on another network once their exclusivity is up with A&E. Under a normal contract, that usually means anywhere from six months to a year after the final episode has aired. However, if the family breaks their agreement with the network, the network could hold them for longer."

It's also fair to assume that A&E needs the series more than the family does. Duck Dynasty is A&E's highest-rated show of all time, and has put the cable network on the map. It is the second-biggest cable series of the year, behind AMC's The Walking Dead, and the Christmas special pulled in nearly 9 million viewers.

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