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Fair Lawn New Jersey Teacher Suspended After Tirade Caught on Video

Written By bombomtox on December 18, 2013 | 3:31 AM

This guy is in a heap of trouble! But, the teacher’s union will look out for the guy, no doubt.
NBC News reports a video that appears to capture a special education teacher in New Jersey cursing and yelling at a student has gone viral, prompting outrage among parents and former students.

The video shows the teacher at Fair Lawn High School yelling at a male student: "You're my g------ student, you get that? I'm your teacher, don't ever tell me what to do. You get it now? Now sit down." 

The video was apparently recorded on a student's cell phone and was disseminated among classmates until a parent got her hands on it. That mother, whose own son was once in the teacher's special education class, said she was so outraged she posted the video on YouTube.
"The child is non-responsive, non-combative," said the mother, who wanted to remain anonymous. "There's absolutely no reason for him to have berated him in that manner. Zero." 

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