Very nerve racking scene!
NBC Chicagoreports a hostage situation in a northwest Chicago suburb ended late Thursday when a swarm of officers rushed into a townhome and shot a man who police said earlier shot an officer in the neck.That Arlington Heights police officer, a man with at least 10 years on the force, was taken in critical condition to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in nearby Park Ridge.The suspected gunman's hostage, a woman, exited the townhome on the 1900 block of Windham Court unharmed after police rushed in and shot the man, Arlington Heights Cmdr. Andrew Whowell told reporters.Whowell did not detail the extent of the hostage-taker's injuries, but the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office confirmed the man died.The woman was taken to a hospital as a precaution.The wounded officer's name was not publicly released, but his family was seen at the hospital around 9:30 p.m.
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