Home » » Aliquippa Teen Andrew Bullock arrested for brutal rape and beating elderly Nun behind a church

Aliquippa Teen Andrew Bullock arrested for brutal rape and beating elderly Nun behind a church

Written By bombomtox on December 14, 2013 | 12:35 PM

Words cannot describe the pain, anger, and bewilderment this kind of act generates.  There are crimes and then there crimes that rise a level above all others.  Something like this is very hard to come to grips with. 
CBS Pittsburg reports an 18-year-old has been charged in the brutal rape and beating of an elderly nun in Aliquippa.

Andrew Bullock, of Orchard Street, faces at least 10 charges in the Friday morning attack.
The nun serves at St. Titus Church on Franklin Avenue.

She was walking in a parking lot behind the church when she was approached by a man who choked her, punched her, then threw her to the ground where she was assaulted and raped.

Assistant Chief Dan Couch told KDKA’s Kym Gable, “The first thing you notice when you look up where this horrific act occurred, is the statue of the Virgin Mary looking down.”

Couch told Gable the savage beating outraged officers in his department.
They worked with the Beaver County D.A. to make a swift arrest.
A key piece of evidence was a boot print in the snow that investigators say matches the boots Bullock was wearing.

Bullock was arraigned at Aliquippa Police Headquarters.
KDKA does not identify victims of sex crimes.

The nun, who is in her 70s, is recovering at Allegheny General from a broken jaw.

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